Treaty 2 Territory- The Earth Lodge is based on the Anishinaabek Traditional Lodge.  It’s structure and governmental framework is based on traditional and ancestral ways of governance, learning, language, peacemaking, history, healing ways and world views. It is all about providing a good life for our people as was always the intent from our ancestors. 

The Earth Lodge is at the center of the Government of Treaty 2 Territory, providing planning and actions based on best practices passed down from our Ancestors.  We are part of the land, Aki, and this is our Earth journey.  As we travel the Red Road and provide our people with a good life, Mino-Bimaadiziwin, we must continue to walk our lives in Peace.  That walk is known as ‘Ninawendam bimosetowin nibamatiziwina’, walking life in Peace.

The Medicine Wheel is illustrated with basic teachings of the four directions which teaches us about the sacred circle of life. The work of the Earth lodge is integrated into the four quadrants of Culture, Wellness, Life Long Learning and Nation Building. At the center of the Earth Lodge Circle is Turtle, Mikinaak.  Mikinaak is said to have been present when Gizhe Manidoo created us so that we would never lose our teachings. Mikinaak also represents the teaching of truth. Truth lies in spirit which is always in your heart.  It is when we live truth that we will know peace and find the truth of who we are.  The Turtle is slow moving but understands that the journey of life is as important as the destination. 

The teaching of truth is especially important for the leaders of our Nations.  According to our teachings, our motherland is referred to as Turtle Island.  To know and live with truth is to walks and live all the Seven Grandfather Spiritual Laws. Living truth is to know all these laws which means living in the spirit of Respect, Love, Humility, Courage, Honest, Wisdom and truth that binds it all together.  When we walk the in the spirit of these seven teachings is when one becomes truly free, it is then that one receives the full support of the universe and the forces of Mother Earth itself. 

Submitted by Renée McGurry, Earth Lodge Development