The Lodge History

June 12, 2018 – Beginnings

On June 12, 2018 in an Assembly held at Lake Manitoba First Nation, Anishinaabe Agowidiiwinan Governing Council (Chiefs Council) resolved that:  Anishinaabe Agowidiiwinan would promote the formation of a collective Nation consisting of all First Nations with lands reserved in Treaty 2 Territory. This includes First Nations who had entered into Treaty 1, 2, 4 and 5, but whose reserves today lie in Treaty 2 Territory.  In addition to the Anishinaabe First Nations, the collective would include the Dakota, Cree, Nakota and other cultures and languages.

As part of the current Government of FNT2T our members are:

  • Dauphin River,
  • Ebb and Flow,
  • Gambler,
  • Keeseekoowenin (Riding Mountain/Dauphin Lake Band),
  • Lake Manitoba (Dog Creek),
  • Lake St Martin,
  • Little Saskatchewan,
  • O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi (Crane River),
  • Pinaymootang (Fairford),
  • Skownan (Waterhen) and
  • Tootinaowaziibeeng (Valley River).

In addition to the Anishinaabe, Local Nations with common culture, language and history in Treaty 2 Territory will be supported by the Nation in programs of their own collective.

2019 – Lodge Formation

In 2019, the Lodge was called the Life Long Learning Lodge.

The Lodge was providing training in Governance, Land-based Learning, Language and Wellbeing. The Lodge will focus on enhancing people’s knowledge of Anishinaabek way of learning within the Treaty 2 Territory.

Initiated by First Nations in Treaty 2 Territory, guided by the Knowledge Council, the Lodge supports all endeavours of Circles, FNT2T and local Nations. This includes the developing of programs, training, education, research and projects. The Lodge will be a place to unite our common vision and help guide the Anishinaabe in building a bridge between our ancestral past and our prosperous future.

March 10, 2021

Treaty 2 Territory Knowledge council reviewed and adopted the new name, logo, and concept of Earth Lodge.

Motion 2021-03-10-003

To support the naming of our FNT2T LLL Lodge to FNT2T Earth Lodge and expand from LLL to the four pillars (Language/Culture, Wellbeing, Lifelong Learning, and Nation Building) and to work with our Seven Councils, Seven Circles, and Local Nations.