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Spirit Turtle flies over the Earth and watches over the Anishinaabe.

Spirit Turtle Song

Ogishibeg Baamaazhiniiaan
Mikinaak gawichii
Oh chi aah maa Anishinaabe

(I am flying over the air)
(To looking all over the Earth)
(I will go with the Turtle)
(He’s got great respect for the people)


According to our Anishinaabe Clan System, between the two Chief Clans was the principle from the Fish Clan and the Sub Clan is the Turtle for our Territory. The people of the Turtle Clan were the teachers and scholars. It is their job to teach people about their past, tell stories, pass on values and beliefs from one generation to another. They helped children develop skills and healthy spirits. They also drew on their knowledge to solve disputes between the leaders. They are the wise people. They also look after the Earth. Being part of the Earth Lodge, they are:

    • Philosophers
    • Mediators
    • Teachers
    • Vision
    • Program Planning, Design
    • Leadership
    • Integrated Development

Grandfather Mikinaak Teaches:

TRUTH “Debwewin” (The heart is telling the truth)

Mikinaak is said to have been present when Gizhi Manidoo created us so that we would never lose our teachings. Always seek truth. The truth lies in spirit. The spirit is in your heart. It is when we live truth that we will know peace and find the truth of our humanity. Slow moving Mikinaak understands that the journey of life is as important as the destination.

The teaching of Truth is especially important for the leaders of our Nations. Our motherland is referred to as Turtle Island. To know and live truth is to walk and live all the Seven Grandfather Spiritual Laws. Living truth means living in the spirit of Respect, Love, Humility, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, and Truth that binds it all together. It is when we live truth that we will know peace and find the truth of our humanity. When one can walk the spirit of these Seven Grandfather Teachings is when one becomes truly free, it is then that one receives the full support of the universe, and the forces of the Earth itself.